
Acknowledging differences as an opportunity! Scoring with the diversity in your team!

MBTI® Training

Diversität als Chance! Mit Unterschieden im Team punkten.

MBTI®– Training is a good option when

  • You know – and appreciate – that there are different personality types and working styles in your team.
  • You’re hoping to build tolerance for the differences in your team.
  • You’re interested in establishing a healthy team structure to prevent conflicts from arising.
  • You want a team-building program with plenty of eureka moments for your employees.
  • You want to build, sustain and enhance team motivation.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) is a powerful team development tool. Year for year some 3.5 million people across the globe use it to constructively deal with behavior patterns – both their own and those of others. As a licensed MBTI® trainer (Step I and Step II), I offer customized workshops.

Benefits of MBTI®– Trainings

  • Get to know the various types within the team.
  • Get a comprehensive analysis of the overall team.
  • Enhance the problem-solving skills of each team member.
  • Build tolerance – for oneself and for others.
  • Recognize your own reactions to – and how you deal with – stress.
In short: Professional MBTI® training helps you strengthen the identity of each individual team member while also improving your own leadership skills. And this in turn also boosts the motivation, cohesion and performance of your team as a whole. Perhaps you have other requirements and goals? Feel free to contact me and we can jointly come up with a good solution.

MBTI®– Training programs on offer

Angebote Esther Kimmel

I offer customized training sessions that take their cue from concrete situations in the company.

The training sessions are designed to address participants both on a factual-rational level as well as on an emotional level. And although the workshops are intense, they are also meant to be fun.

The most popular formats include:
MBTI® Compact
(5-hour intensive sessions)
MBTI®-Standard Workshop
(1-2 days)


“It was a great workshop and we were very upbeat as we returned to our offices with new perspectives on our colleagues. In meetings, we now experience a different kind of appreciation for one another. Thank you for this eye opening experience.”

(HR manager for a start-up)

“Thank you very much for the wonderful workshop, which we all found to be very enjoyable. This was down to your personable nature on the one hand, but it was also because there were no ‘losers’ in the type indicating process.”

(Department head of a ministry)

This is how I go about MBTI®– Training

In the run-up to the MBTI training, we meet up for an initial get-to-know-you session that can also take place online. This is where we address any questions you may have regarding the desired format and any specific needs and wishes you may have for the training. Subsequently I will send you a non-binding offer. Following the booking confirmation, I will start preparations and we can proceed with the actual training.

Would you like to arrange a preliminary meeting with me?
In this case, I look forward to your booking in my online calendar!

Esther Kimmel Führungskräfte Coach

As an accredited coach who can look back on 25 years of professional experience, I have been advising individuals in high-level executive positions for the past 12 years. Having successfully completed 750 coaching assignments, I have extensive expertise in all matters related to leadership, careers and resilience.

#analytical #pragmatic #empathic


Kimmelcoaching Hashtags
+49 175 123 20 22

Virtueller Meetingraum Zoom oder Bigbluebutton (IDs auf Anfrage)


Coachingpraxis am Savignyplatz
Grolmanstraße 28
10623 Berlin

S-Bahn • Savignyplatz
S3, S5, S7, S9, S75

Bus M49, X34 • Savignyplatz

U1 • Uhlandstraße
(5 Minuten Fussweg)


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